- cooperative learning
- обр. совместное [коллективное, групповое\] обучение (процесс обучения, при котором учащиеся (студенты) работают в парах или небольших группах)Syn:See:
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Cooperative learning — is an approach to organizing classroom activities into academic and social learning experiences. Students must work in groups to complete tasks collectively. Unlike individual learning, students learning cooperatively capitalize on one another’s… … Wikipedia
Cooperative learning — Kooperatives Lernen bezeichnet Lernarrangements wie Partner und Gruppenarbeiten, die eine synchrone oder asynchrone (via Computer), koordinierte, ko konstruktive Aktivität der Teilnehmer/innen verlangen, um eine gemeinsame Lösung eines Problems… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cooperative learning — Typically, small group learning activities that promote positive interaction resulting in improved learning. The teacher divides a class into groups of two to six, each group containing a mix of student types backgrounds, achievement levels,… … Glossary of Art Terms
cooperative learning — mokymasis bendradarbiaujant statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Dviejų arba daugiau besimokančiųjų darbas drauge. Mokymasis bendradarbiaujant ypač plėtojamas naudojant ↑virtualiąsias mokymosi aplinkas, ↑grupinę įrangą. atitikmenys: angl.… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
cooperative learning — mokymasis bendradarbiaujant statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Mokymo metodas, kai keletas mokinių sutaria bendrai siekti užsibrėžto mokymosi tikslo. atitikmenys: angl. cooperative learning vok. Lernen mitarbeitend rus. учёба в сотружестве … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas
Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning — Mit dem Begriff des computerunterstützten kooperativen Lernens (engl.: Computer supported cooperative/collaborative learning (CSCL)) werden Ansätze beschrieben, kooperatives Lernen (Lernen in Gruppen) durch den Einsatz von Informations und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cooperative education — For education about co operative societies, see co operative studies. Cooperative education is a structured method of combining classroom based education with practical work experience. A cooperative education experience, commonly known as a co… … Wikipedia
Learning Resource Centers — Information and communication development opportunities and information flow are the big challenges dedicated review most of educational questions, whether from theoretical frames or material facilitations. School libraries are considered one of… … Wikipedia
Learning Assistant Model — The Learning Assistant model (LA model) was established at the University of Colorado at Boulder to achieve three related goals: (1) to recruit and improve the preparation of future mathematics and science teachers, (2) to improve the education… … Wikipedia
Cooperative web — The Cooperative Web or Co Web refers to a browser based platform that promises to replicate the power of face to face communications via web touch without sacrificing the quality of human interactions. A Co Web enabled situational application… … Wikipedia
Cooperative banking — A statue of cooperative pioneer Robert Owen stands in front of the Manchester head office of the UK s Co operative Bank Cooperative banking is retail and commercial banking organized on a cooperative basis. Cooperative banking institutions take… … Wikipedia